1. PDF How to prepare for Ph.D. interviews

    IndianInstituteofTechnologyHyderabad DepartmentofComputerScienceandEngineering ===== HowtoPrepareforPh.D.Interviews?

  2. How to prepare for a Ph.D interview?

    In our computer science department at IIT Delhi, typically 500 candidates apply for Ph.D admission. ... we interview 100-200 candidates, and typically 5-10 candidates are ultimately selected. ... If I were to prepare for a Ph.D interview, this is what I would do. I would pick up some of the recent books on probability, C/Java programming ...

  3. IIT Delhi PhD Interview Experience

    In this article, I have listed all the questions in order I was asked in my PhD Interview at IIT, Delhi for Computer Science. I have added notes on my answers as well so you can prepare along the way. Overall, Interview took over 1.5 hour and was very intense to face in person. Thankfully, I am selected for PhD at IIT, Delhi in Computer Science.

  4. My Real Experience of PhD Written Test & Interview at IIT Bombay

    A lot of PhD applicants have asked for my PhD interview advice. A proper guidance and support can achieve you success. Sumit Rai has shared his PhD intervie...

  5. Preparing for PhD Interviews

    Interview dates are 4,5,6 Dec 2014. Shortlisting criteria and list of shortlisted candidates would be posted later. Format is: 1 hour written test, followed by interviews. Candidates selected in the first round would have to appear for a 2nd round of interviews in the afternoon (tentatively at 4 PM), so should plan to be in the dept. the whole day.

  6. How to Prepare for A Phd Interview? a View by Iit Bombay


  7. What is the procedure to enrol for a PhD at IITM? How to prepare for

    The test and the interview will assess the fundamentals and basic understanding of the subject. Hence candidates need to brush up on basic concepts. It is also important to look upon the questions where they went wrong in the test, as there is a chance that questions might be asked from that on the interview.


    SYLLABUS FOR MS/PHD INTERVIEW Important Information Regarding Interview. Candidates should show an aptitude for basic sciences like mathematics, physics and chemistry. Candidates may choose to attend interviews in one of the three panels given below. They are advised to prepare for the interview on few of the topics listed under the chosen panel.

  9. PDF Procedure for Direct PhD interviews

    Indian Institute of Technology Madras 4 t h December 2020 Procedure for Direct PhD interviews The aim of the interview process for Direct PhD candidates is to assess the knowledge and ... You may find t his resource on how to prepare for MS-PhD interviews from one of our faculty useful. List of Subjects:

  10. PDF PhD Admission Department of Chemical Engineering IIT Bombay

    Selection procedure Stage-1: Shortlisting based on academic performance and called for interview. Already completed Stage-2:Written test: Elementary Mathematics, aptitude etc. Stage-3, Interview: Candidates who will be shortlisted after the written test will appear for the In-person interview. How to prepare for Interview Project work: You have to prepare a presentation with 5 or 6 slides.