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English a & b ee examples.
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Music EE Examples
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Psychology EE Examples
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Chinese EE Examples
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World Studies EE Examples
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Extended Essay (First Exams 2018): Examples of Extended Essays
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Samples from the IBO
The IBO publishes two volumes of 50 Excellent Extended Essays , covering all Diploma Programme groups -- and all scored a top A grade.
Click on the link below to access PDFs of the essays.
50 Excellent Extended Essays
All 50 essays are also available in electronic form in the QD Library on the iPads. Look for the display at the circulation desk. The essays are found in the iBooks app. The iPads are available for check out at the circulation for periods of 30 minutes at one time.
Recently, the IBO has produced another list of exemplars with marks. Click on the link below to access this:
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The Complete Extended Essay Guide | 100 Topics & Examples
Published by Ellie Cross at November 3rd, 2021 , Revised On July 10, 2023
One of the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme’s mandatory requirements is to produce a 4,000 words long extended essay, which should be submitted as an independent piece of research.
All IB students must complete the extended essay assignment regardless of the subjects they are taking because, together with CAS and TOK, it is a core module of the IB programme.
An extended essay allows students to choose any suitable topic of their choice and demonstrate their knowledge and capability beyond what they learn in the classroom. This assignment sets the stage for students to hone their research and writing skills for Bachelor’s and Master’s level coursework.
Students write an extended essay in the second term of the IB program’s first year. All students are expected to work closely with their supervisor to finalise the essay topic and the research questions.
The project involves submitting one extended essay draft to get the supervisor’s feedback before submitting the second and final version. A short viva voce must be included at the end of the essay.
Extended Essay Facts
- The length of the essay should not be more than 4,000 words.
- The project is expected to be completed over a period of one year.
- Significance of the extended essay
- In 2019 – approximately 200,000 students took the IB Programme exam
- International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is for students in the age group of 16 to 19 years.
Significance of Extended Essay
So how significantly does the extended essay assignment contribute towards the overall grade?
The extended essay is of critical importance for the following reasons:
- It allows students to polish their skills for undergraduate and Masters’s level essay assignments.
- They can independently explore the topic of their interest, which relates to one of the six modules of the IB Programme.
- Students learn to conduct desk-based research to find appropriate and manageable topics.
- They learn the basics of how to formulate research questions
- They learn to develop an argument.
- Successful completion of this assignment enhances their ability to analyse and assess information critically.
If you choose to undertake the extended essay in world studies, you will be required to conduct extensive interdisciplinary research on an issue of global significance.
Extended Essay Assessment Criteria
Extended essays are marked on a scale from 0 to 34 by external examines chosen by the IB itself. The score you will achieve in the assignment will relate to one of the following bands:
- A – work of an excellent standard.
- B- work of a good standard.
- C – work of a satisfactory standard.
- D- work of a mediocre standard.
- E- work of an elementary standard.
Please click here to check how your grade in the extended essay assignment affects the overall diploma score. Here is the breakdown of EE scores (from the May 2019 bulletin)
How to Select a Topic for the Extended Essay?
Selecting an enjoyable and manageable topic for the extended essay is perhaps the most exciting yet challenging part of the whole process. In a nutshell, you will be required to research a topic in one of the six subjects you are undertaking for the IB Programme. The selection criteria are based on the analysis of an issue of global significance in a specific context. For example, you can investigate technological, environmental, medical, or cultural trends from the local perspective. Here are some tips for choosing the best extended essay topic:
- It should neither be too broad nor too narrow.
- Choose a topic you are passionate about.
- Are there any global trends you are curious to explore and understand?
Choosing the topic can often be overwhelming. Think about the issues you enjoy the most, and more specifically, why you want to learn about them. This will help you develop many ideas that you can review, compare, and pick from. Note: The IBO approves the proposed topic.
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How to Formulate Research Questions for the Extended Essay?
Once the topic has been approved, you can proceed to formulate the research questions (s). A poorly planned research question can cause complications at a later stage, so make sure to take your time to develop a question that would genuinely add value to the existing literature.
The answer to the formulated research question should not be a simple yes or no. It should instead provide valuable information in a larger context. The research question should be focused and relevant to the title. If the research question includes a hypothesis, then there is no obligation on your part to provide it right or wrong. Your job is to test the hypothesis and reveal the facts only.
The question should not necessarily start with words like “Is”, “Will”, “Should”, “Why”, “How”, or “Does”. Merely asserting that “yes, this is correct”, or “no, this is not correct” is inappropriate.
The highest-scoring essays usually address a research question that starts with broader phrases such as, “An investigation of”, “Exploring the idea”, “An analysis of”, “To what extent”, “A review of”, or “Examining the role”. Or it could simply be a hypothesis statement that you aim to test.
If you set out to answer a research question without contemplating the resources required to address it, then you are making a fatal mistake. Whether the essay research is primary or secondary, we cannot understate the importance of a well-thought-out plan to gather relevant supporting academic sources.
However, in most cases, it is only possible to base your essay on secondary data because conducting primary research can involve time and money. But make sure to state your reasons for choosing one research method over another.
Finally, if you cannot find a sufficient number of sources for your research question, you can alter it with your supervisor’s help.
Also read: Mental health essay topics
Choosing the Supervisor
Here are some suggestions on how to choose an advisor
- If you are unsure about who you would like to work with, create a list of potential advisors.
- The supervisor should be familiar with your topic.
- Pick an advisor who would get the best out of you.
- An advisor who is patient with you would not mind reviewing several drafts of your essay and providing feedback.
- It would be best if you were comfortable discussing ideas with them.
- The supervisor should know you well personally because their assessment will contribute towards your final EE score. A teacher who does not know you well may not assess you fairly.
- Simply having your favourite teacher as an advisor may not be a good idea because they may not be familiar with the topic.
- Check whether your school requires the advisor to sign a consent form and make the necessary arrangements.
Structure of an Extended Essay
The extended essay follows the standard essay structure , including the introduction , main body , and conclusion. However, always check with your supervisor about the structure you must follow to avoid complications later.
Your supervisor will provide the necessary guidance and advice to support you throughout the research and writing process.
The project includes up to three reflection rounds with the assigned supervisor, with the final round consisting of an interview, also known as the viva voce.
The extended essay and the reflection meetings provide a much-needed impetus, especially to those required to pass an interview assessment for a place at university and before acceptance for employment.
There are six required components of an extended essay structure:
The title page is where you state the research question you set out to address, the subject you are studying, your school name, your name, total word count of the essay, and category (for language essays).
Contents Page
This is where you must list the heading and the subheadings with corresponding page numbers. All pages should be numbered using the Microsoft page numbering feature.
The extended essay’s introduction should provide a brief background to the research question, thesis statement , and the central argument presented in the essay.
This is where you present your arguments, evaluation, comparison, discussion, and analysis of the subject matter. This section’s structure varies according to the subject of the essay, but the supporting evidence should accompany every piece of information.
The conclusion section should relate to the thesis statement, the overall scope of the research, and the line of argument taken. It should also reflect any open questions, research limitations, and unexplained problems.
References and Bibliography
A list of academic sources used is provided in the required citation style at the end of the essay. The citation style you need to follow varies subject to subject, but make sure you consistently use it throughout the essay.
The deadline you Need to Meet
Your school will let you know the deadline for the extended essay assignment. Each school has a different official IB deadline. You will have a year to complete the essay, but unfortunately, most students leave their essay to the last week before the deadline.
Careful planning can help you complete the task promptly and avoid a last-minute crunch. Many students make the fatal mistake of giving too much time to research and reading and with very little time to write an essay .
Most schools set their deadlines for different project milestones to help students stay on schedule. Keep in regular contact with your advisor and management to ensure each section is completed in due time.
The viva voce Interview
The viva voice interview allows students to demonstrate the significance of the research results. More specifically, students can provide details of the challenges and the successes of their research during the interview.
For example, you could tell your supervisor about the problem you faced during the data collection process, the strategies you used to overcome them, and how the exercise helped improve your writing skills.
Free Extended Essay Topics
Here are some amazing topic ideas in various subjects that you can consider for your extended essay.
Biology Extended Essay Topics
- Investigate the relationship between indole acetic acid, a growth hormone, and the growth of X (a crop).
- To examine the relationship between the population size of X and population density between X.
- How significantly do live cultures in dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese reduce the concentration of lactose present for a 2 hour incubation period at x °C?
- Discuss the relationship between the production process of plants and the climate.
- To examine the possibility of manufacturing flowers.
- An investigation into the idea of planting healing a disease.
- The impact of various drugs on the functioning of the human brain
- Does the change of habitat affect the life of an organism?
- Investigate the process of storing cow’s milk safely.
- The relationship between the photoreceptor cells in the human retina and “the age and gender”.
- Examining the growth of an X plant when the climate changes
- Neadderthalian DNA in people who have European ancestors
Psychology Extended Essay Topics
Discuss the relationship between violent acts and viewing the violence shown on social media platforms.
- Can drug therapy heal bipolar disorder?
- Can General Anxiety Disorder be healed through meditation?
- Examining the relationship between cognitive environment and social variables such as educational setting, poverty, culture, parenting, and more
- How do our relationships evolve? Why causes a relationship to an end?
- Investigate the effects of domestic violence on the human brain.
- Discuss the causes of depression from a psychological perspective.
- Different between female and male schizophrenia.
- The relationship between General Anxiety Disorder and stress
- The relationship between stress and bulimia medical condition
- The relationship between obesity and our social media-oriented lifestyle
- What causes suicide? How do suicidal behaviours develop over time?
English Extended Essay Topics
- The importance of learning English literature in the modern world
- Examine the importance of the literary function of the English language.
- Explore the relationship between politics and social Darwinism.
- Sexual and ethnic identity in the twenty-first century
- The impact of the English language on any other language of your choice
- Comparing English learning bend with other languages
- The distinct patterns of the United States English phonetics.
- Identifying the use of the Sanskrit language in English
- Tracing the differences between British English and American English in a systematic way
- Identify the English phrases and words embraced by other Hindi and Urdu languages during the British Raj
- The influence of the French language on the evolution of the English language.
Literature Extended Essay Topics
- Examine the significance of different Noble prize winners in the literature on the stylistic evolution.
- An analysis of the controversy surrounding Bob Dylan’s Noble prize award
- The Role of Emile Zola’s “J’accuse” in the Dreyfus Affair.
- Analysing Jane Austen
- Jame’s Baldwin’s illustration of Racism.
- The evolution of an ideal woman in English literature
- The traits of the Islamic religious text
- Emma by Jane Austen and the importance of Dance
- An investigation of Severus Snape’s character in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secret. What are the similarities and differences between J.K Rowling’s characterization of Severus in the two novels?
- The evolution of the character of Bilbo Baggins from Lord of the Rings to the Hobbit Sequel
Economics extended essay topics
- The impact of Covid-19 on the global airline industry
- How Covid-19 has forced car manufacturers around the work to redesign its economic model
- The growing importance of the role of India in the world economy
- China’s plans to take over the world economy by 2050 – How valid is this statement?
- The role of the road infrastructure in the development of a growing country such as Afghanistan
- The relationship between an increase in exports and empowerment of the local farmers in an agricultural country like India
- Tax handling in a world dominated by multinationals.
- The impact of an ageing population on Japan’s economy
- Offshore tax havens and the corruption of politicians. How can this trend be stopped?
- The impact of Brexit on the UK’s economy. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages from the UK’s perspective.
Movie and Film Extended Essay Topics
- The elements of social protest in Charlie Chaplin’s films
- How modern have computer capabilities revolutionized conventional cinematography?
- Avoiding the “soap opera” effect – why movies stay at 24 frames per second (including future predictions)
- Moving camera – revolutionary ideas (for example, as depicted in the Matrix and the Tenet)
- Correlation between IMDB marks and differing nationwide and film that is international
- Metamorphosis of masculinity in our contemporary world as depicted in battle club
- Kinds of timeline manipulation approach to paper writing service cinematography
- Massively distorted scientist or systematic technique depiction in Sci-Fi films
History Extended Essay Topics
- The rise of the Ottoman Empire – An analysis of the role of King Salman-II
- How significant was the battle of Vienna in European history?
- The implications of the British Raj on the Indian Subcontinent
- Discuss the reasons that caused the Arabs to lose in six days against resurging Israel?
- The treatment of women in India of the 1950s vs India of 2000s
- The history behind the animosity between two nuclear-armed neighbours – India and Pakistan
- An investigation of the events led to Hitler’s rise to power in Germany.
- The simultaneous invasion of Poland by the USSR and Nazi Germany in the second world war
- An examination of the pearl harbour attack from the Japanese perspective
- What caused the abnormal expansion of the Islamic empire between the 8 th century and the 10 th
Geography Extended Essay Topics
- The China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) significance for Chinese economic domination
- An analysis of the current climate change trends and their impact on our oceans
- Discuss and evaluate the various strategies used to prevent power outages caused by solar storms.
- India’s improving fertility rate’s relationship with women empowerment and improved women education environment
- To what extent is biodiversity being managed in Regent’s Park in London.
- The relationship between obesity risk and parameters such as educational environment, gender, genes, and social settings
- Examine the affectivity of the environmental sustainability programme initiated by company X.
- Compare a country with no access to the sea with the one that has access to it.
- An analysis of the agricultural revolution impact on the world’s environment
- Does geography influence the social relationships between people?
Mathematics and Physics Extended Essay Topics
- General functions of the theory of partitions
- General relativity and cosmology
- Symmetries of plane tessellations
- Egyptian forces in arithmetic
- A review of the various methodological approaches employed by academic researchers
- Why do planets move the way they do? What causes their circular motion?
- An investigation into the string theory
- How quantum physics has the potential to change the rules of science?
- The basics of dynamics – forces and motion
- Discuss the different types of forces, including magnetic force, quantum force, and physical
- The quantum movement of particles
- How much of an influence does the quantum slit experiment have on traditional Newtonian physics?
- The nature and behaviour of light
- The cosmic patterns of stars and planets
- Gravitational waves – generation, propagation rules, detection on Earth?
- Is there scientific proof of the existence of another intelligent species in the universe like humans?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an extended essay.
The Extended Essay is a research-based academic project undertaken by International Baccalaureate (IB) students. It allows them to investigate a topic of interest in depth, develop critical thinking skills, and produce a 4000-word essay.
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English Extended Essay: The Complete Guide for IB Students
by Antony W
March 12, 2023
Group 1 Extended Essay subjects give IB students the opportunity to conduct independent research into a topic of interest in English, Language, and Literature.
Apart from promoting creativity and intellectual discovery, the subject group helps you to appreciate the value of advanced research and improve your writing skills.
In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about English Extended Essay.
In particular, we will look at the definition of English EE, English EE categories, and some English Extended Essay topics to get you started.
English Extended Essay Categories
Category 1: language.
This category focuses on the analysis of some aspects of English.
Topics such as national language policies of English speaking countries, the influence of technology on English vocabulary, and use of dialects and ascents would fit into this category.
The primary sources of information for this category would be newspapers, interviews, and websites. You secondary sources would be articles and journals.
Category 2: Culture and Society
We divide Culture and Society further into two sub-categories.
In the first sub-category, the focus is on the effect of cultural change on a language in a particular issue on the use or form of the language itself.
In this case, your essay can focus on topic to do with gender, communities, or social groups.
For example:
- Does language reflect a shift in gender roles in the workplace?
- To what extend has the rise and use of slang among teenagers affected the English language?
Such are important and interesting questions that your Extended Essay can focus on if you choose to work on this sub-category.
The second sub-category focuses on artefacts. While this sub-category is general in its cultural nature, it must be specific to a country or community that speaks the language.
To research topics in this sub-category, you will have to use cultural artefacts, which can be visual documents (such as architectures and films), written documents (such as newspapers, articles, adverts, and magazines), spoken documents (such as interviews and screenplays), and fashion icons (such as food dishes or brands).
Category 3: Literature
This category of English Extended Essay is based on a specific work of literature wit text written in the English language.
How to Write English Extended Essay
Writing a 4,000-word essay takes time. You have to identify a topic of interest, develop a research question, determine what to base your research on, and find the right information to include in the essay.
In the following section, you’ll learn how to write a comprehensive English Extended Essay using an easy to follow, systematic approach – even if you think your topic of interest in the subject looks complicated.
Step 1: Pick a Topic of Meaningful Interest to You
Explore the topics and themes taught in you English class and pick one that’s not only of interest to you but also one you’d like to know more about.
Generally, the English EE topic you choose should:
- Be something you’re keen to investigate
- Allow you to formulate a relevant research question
- A subject that you can answer in 4,000 words
After identifying your area of interest and the topic that you would like to explore, it should be easy for you to develop a relevant research question to explore.
Step 2: Develop a Research Question
Many IB students fail Extended Essay because they get the research question part completely wrong. Quite too often, they choose narrow or broad topics that they can’t answer in 4,000 words.
You shouldn’t make the same mistake with your English Extended Essay. What you need is a workable research question with a clear focus that you can answer within the word limits of an Extended Essay.
To arrive at more concise topic to explore in your English Extended Essay, it’s best to employ relevant limiting factors to the broad topic.
For example, the theme “how technology and social media impact our lives” is obviously too broad because it doesn’t tell us what part or component of our lives social media affects exactly.
By applying limiting factor to this theme, we can come up with a more focused research question that will be easily to evaluate within the limits of the expected word count.
A question such as “ to what extent social media corrupted or contributed or corrupted the English language” would be an interesting and more specific topic to explore in your EE.
Step 3: Choose What to Base Your Research On
The third step to writing an English Extended Essay is to find relevant sources to support your research into the topic you selected in step 1.
Start by determine which English category you wish to base your Extended Essay on. That’s because there are minimum expectations when it comes to primary as well as secondary sourcing.
Step 4: Find More Information for Your Extended Essay
If you’ve ticked all the boxes in step one to three, schedule an appointment with your supervisor for more guidance on how to proceed further with your research project.
English Extended Essay Topics
You shouldn’t worry too much if you feel stuck on choosing the best topic for your English Extended Essay . We’ve put together a list of some topic ideas that cover different areas in literary themes, literature, and the English language.
English Extended Essay Topics for College and University
- Is the English a language of customs and traditions with no hard and fast rules unlike other languages in the world?
- How is the American English different from British English, and which one is superior to the other?
- Has globalization played a role in the development of the English language?
English Extended Essay Topics on English Poetry
- Was poetry a text of upper classes in English literature in the classical age and in the era of renaissance?
- Why are there fragmentation and lack of interconnectivity between the stanzas of poems in modern poetry?
English EE Topics on American Literature
- Do various American novels and other literary texts show how the American dream proves to be a complete failure?
- Why were slaves against the anti-slavery movement in the United States of America?
About the author
Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.
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The IB Extended Essay Guide: Topics, Process, and Grading
- December 17, 2024
The IB Extended Essay
The EE involves conducting in-depth research on a specific topic and writing a longer essay than typical DP assignments. Students are expected to invest forty hours conducting detailed research about a topic of their choice and focusing on a well-defined research question that requires original inquiry. To achieve a high score, the research question should not be easily answered through existing knowledge or simple literature review. Instead, it should demand rigorous research, data collection, analysis, and comparison with other studies.
By completing the EE, students develop essential skills such as critical thinking, research, and writing and learn how to structure and present a research paper. These skills are invaluable for university studies and beyond. The process of researching, analyzing, and presenting findings can boost students’ confidence and prepare them for future academic endeavors. Additionally, the skills acquired through the EE can benefit students in their other DP subjects, improving their performance in written assignments and internal assessments.
Understanding the IB Extended Essay
Definition and objectives.
The Extended Essay is an independent task completed by all full DP students (it is optional for DP courses students), requiring the investment of 40 hours of in-depth research about a topic of their choice and based on a focused research question. The end products are an essay or research paper of not more than 4000 words written in any one of the DP courses studied by the student and a completed reflection form with a maximum of 500 words.
The Extended Essay is designed to cultivate advanced academic research and writing skills. Students independently investigate a topic of personal interest, guided by a qualified supervisor. This process culminates in a substantial, formally presented piece of writing. The essay challenges students to develop critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and effective communication skills as they explore their chosen subject, formulate a clear research question, and present their findings in a coherent and well-supported manner. Additionally, undertaking the Extended Essay supports the cultivation of the learner profile attributes.
The Extended Essay in the IB Diploma Programme
Similar to the other core components of the Diploma Programme, Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) , the Extended Essay supports and is supported by the DP courses of the 6 groups. All three core components emphasize reflection, but the Extended Essay takes a unique approach by focusing on the research process itself. Students are encouraged to critically evaluate their decision-making, from the time that they choose a topic and the subject in which they will do their research until they complete their viva voce. This reflective process allows them to gain valuable insights into their own learning and problem-solving abilities.
Something worth noting, is that the grades for the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge are combined to determine bonus points for the Diploma Programme. A specific matrix is used to calculate the number of bonus points awarded, with a maximum of 3 points possible. However, to be awarded the IB diploma, students must score a D grade or higher in both their Extended Essay and TOK.
Importance of the Extended Essay
Skill Development
Though research and thinking skills seem the most obvious skills developed through the Extended Essay, students need to use their self-management skills to help them plan, implement and submit their Extended Essay writeup on time. For instance, students will have to organize their work, manage their time to meet all deadlines, keep persevering and showing resilience when met with challenges and most importantly practice self-motivation and mindfulness throughout the Extended Essay process.
Reflection is ongoing during the whole Extended Essay process. To decide on their topic and research questions, students reflect on what they know, their interest and what they have learnt through preliminary research. Once they have started with their study they constantly reflect on evidence gathered and data collected to decide on the next step. At the end of their research they reflect to evaluate their research and identify limitations and make suggestions for improvements. Hence, reflection forms an integral part of the Extended Essay.
Additionally, reflection is the only ATL skill that is specifically assessed through criterion E (Engagement) by using the Reflections on planning and progress form (RPPF). Through this form students document their reflection during the three reflection meetings. The student’s engagement with the research process and subsequent reflection on this experience are central to the assessment. This reflective component highlights the student’s intellectual and personal development, as well as the impact of this growth on the final essay.
Depth of Knowledge
The 40-hour commitment required for the Extended Essay underscores the depth to which students should explore their topic of interest and their research question. Students can choose to write their Extended Essay within a specific academic discipline or explore an interdisciplinary topic. For disciplinary essays, students must demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the theories, methods, as well as tools and techniques associated with their chosen subject area. Conversely, those opting for a World Studies essay must showcase how an interdisciplinary approach deepens their comprehension of a significant global issue.
Students should carefully choose a research question that requires in-depth investigation, as selecting a well-documented or easily answered topic is unlikely to lead to a high grade. This involves devising a clear methodology, collecting substantial data, consulting reputable sources, conducting a detailed analysis, using valid arguments supported by evidence, comparing findings with existing research, drawing a conclusion, and evaluating the entire research process. The way these sections are presented in the Extended Essay allows the examiner to gauge the student’s depth of knowledge and understanding.
Preparation for University
The rigorous academic research and writing process provides students with invaluable preparation for university. By engaging in the Extended Essay, students develop the confidence and skills necessary to tackle challenging academic tasks, such as long written assignments, research projects, and dissertations. Additionally, the skills developed through the Extended Essay process are not only essential for tertiary education but also for future employment.
Personal Growth
The Extended Essay is recognized worldwide, with some universities offering course credits for achieving a grade of B or higher. It underscores the student’s ability to conduct independent academic research, carefully select relevant resources, and produce a well-structured research paper. These qualities are highly valued by universities as they indicate the student’s readiness to undertake a university-level dissertation.
Choosing the Right Topic For Your Extended Essay
Choosing the right topic is crucial for a successful Extended Essay. To select an appropriate topic, students should consider their personal interests, the topic’s relevance, and its feasibility within the given timeframe and resource constraints. The topic should be broad enough to allow for in-depth exploration but specific enough to focus the research.
It is important to avoid topics that are overly narrow or well-documented, as these may limit the scope of research and the potential for original analysis. A good topic should provide the scope for students to develop a well-crafted research question that necessitates extensive research (approximately 40 hours) to arrive at a meaningful conclusion.
How to Write an IB Extended Essay
The journey of the Extended Essay begins with meticulous planning and organization. Creating a detailed outline is crucial to structure the research and writing process effectively. This outline should include key sections, headings, and subheadings, providing a roadmap for the essay. It is essential for students to discuss this outline with their supervisor to gain approval and ensure that the format aligns with the subject-specific requirements of the Extended Essay.
As the research progresses, students should remember to continuously refine and update their outline. This dynamic approach ensures that the essay remains focused and coherent. Writing should be an ongoing process, allowing students to develop their ideas gradually and avoid last-minute rushes.
To maintain clarity and accessibility, it is important to use a simple language and explain complex technical terms. Additionally, students are strongly advised to incorporate in-text citations as they write to avoid accidental plagiarism and strengthen the credibility of their research. By following these guidelines, students can lay a solid foundation for a successful Extended Essay.
The introduction section of the extended essay should provide an overview of the topic to establish the context of the research within the chosen subject. This should lead to the research question, which should be clear and concise and crafted as a question. Next, depending on the subject, either a strong thesis statement should be presented to outline the main argument or point of view, or a hypothesis can be stated (relevant for Mathematics, Sciences and Economics) to indicate the expected outcome. Finally, the introduction should conclude with an outline of the essay’s structure, guiding the reader through the subsequent sections.
The body of the Extended Essay is where students present their research findings and analysis. This section should demonstrate a deep understanding of the subject matter through accurate use of terminology and effective analysis of the research question. Students must clearly outline their research methodology, including the sources used and the specific methods employed to collect and analyze data. By presenting evidence and using critical thinking skills to evaluate the information, students can develop strong arguments that support their thesis. The structure of the body will vary depending on the subject area. For example, Biology Extended Essays often include sections such as literature review, methodology, results and analysis, and discussion and evaluation.
The conclusion is a crucial component of the Extended Essay. It should effectively summarize the key findings and arguments presented throughout the essay, and restate the research question. A strong conclusion will also address any unresolved questions or limitations encountered during the research process, and may suggest potential avenues for further investigation. While students might draw conclusions throughout the essay based on their analysis and evaluation of the evidence gathered, it is essential for the Extended Essay to have a final, summative conclusion at the end. This conclusion must relate to the research question posed.
Appendices and Bibliography
The appendix and bibliography are essential components of the Extended Essay, but they must be placed correctly and used judiciously.
The appendix, if included, should be placed after the bibliography. Inserting the appendix/appendices before the bibliography is marked down as a weakness in the presentation of the essay. It may contain supplementary material that supports the main body of the essay but is not crucial to understanding the core argument. This might include raw data tables (as is often the case for science or mathematics Extended Essays), survey questionnaires, or interview transcripts, consent form, external mentor form, etc. However, it is important to note that key information, such as the research methodology or analysis, should not be relegated to the appendix. If this happens, the score for the corresponding assessment criteria will be negatively impacted.
The bibliography, on the other hand, should list all the sources cited in the essay by using a consistent referencing style. Additionally, for online sources, it is crucial to include the date of access. By following these guidelines, students can ensure that their Extended Essays are well-structured, well-referenced, and meet the high standards of the IB.
Research and Resources
Writing and Revision
The writing and revision process is a crucial aspect of the Extended Essay. Students should begin drafting early (writing should be taking place on an ongoing basis as work on the Extended Essay progresses), allowing ample time for multiple revisions. These revisions help to identify areas for improvement in terms of clarity, coherence, and argumentation. Self-assessment, using the Extended Essay assessment criteria, is another valuable strategy to ensure that all aspects of the criteria are addressed. Meticulous attention to grammar, style, and formatting is essential for a polished final product. By following these guidelines, students can produce high-quality Extended Essays that showcase their academic abilities.
Understanding the grading criteria
The five assessment criteria for the Extended Essay are:
- Criterion A : focus and method (6 points)
- Criterion B: knowledge and understanding (6 points)
- Criterion C: critical thinking (12 points)
- Criterion D: presentation (4 points)
- Criterion E: engagement. (6 points)
While the same five criteria are applied to all Extended Essays, their interpretation varies depending on the subject area. The IB Extended Essay Guide provides specific guidance (under subject specific guidance for each subject) on how to apply these criteria to different subjects. Students should hav e access to the subject specific guidance for the subject in which they are writing their Extended Essay to ensure that their work aligns with the subject specific interpretation of those criteria.
Each assessment criteria is divided into:
- mark bands that indicate the mark range
- strands which highlight what is being assessed and under each strand a few indicators are listed which describes how the strands can be demonstrated.
Examiners determine the appropriate mark band for each s trand (by scoring each indicator) and then use a best-fit approach to assign a final grade for that criterion.
Some tips to meet each criteria at the highest band:
Criterion A:
- Choose a research question that is specific enough to allow for in-depth exploration within the word and time constraints of the Extended Essay.
- The research question chosen should be relevant to the student’s interests and the subject area.
- A research question that can be answered solely based on existing DP course knowledge should not be pursued for the Extended Essay.
- Refer to literature while explaining the topic and setting the context of the research. This adds credibility to the research focus chosen.
- Justify the sources and method used.
Criterion B:
- Source materials accessed should be relevant, credible and appropriate to the research question and effectively referenced and incorporated into the body of the essay in a way that demonstrates the student’s understanding (conceptual understanding).
- Prioritize sources that are reliable and predominantly from acknowledged sources (especially for science Extended Essays).
- Demonstrate understanding by paraphrasing and summarizing information from sources rather than relying solely on quotations. Excessive use of quotation should be avoided.
- Define technical terms clearly and concisely, especially when used for the first time. Students must demonstrate an understanding of these terms by using them correctly and accurately within the context of the essay.
- Respect consistently the convention for writing symbols, units and names throughout the essay.
Criterion C:
- Discussion should connect the data and evidence gathered to the research question with well-integrated references.
- An effective and focused argument should be developed based on the research, with the conclusion directly reflecting the evidence presented and addressing the research question.
- In essays exceeding 4000 words, the discussion, evaluation, or conclusion may fall outside the word count limit. As examiners only read up to the 4000-word mark, these crucial sections may be overlooked, negatively impacting the overall score for Criterion C.
Criterion D:
- All components related to the presentation of the Extended Essay should be present, namely the title page, the table of content, page numbers, and bibliography.
- All graphs, tables and charts should have an overall title/caption as well as relevant labels and units.
- There should be consistency in decimal points or significant figures of data collected (science and mathematics Extended Essays).
- Data tables that run over several pages tend to break the flow of the essay and hence should be placed in the appendix with a sample of the data table included in the text.
- Tables should be strictly used to tabulate data collected and not to circumvent the word count.
- Footnotes should not be used to explain technical terms, as these will be added to the word count. Only reference related material should be included in footnotes.
- Use a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to cite sources within the text.
- Use a consistent format for headings, subheadings, and paragraphs.
- Create a comprehensive bibliography listing all sources cited in the essay.
Criterion E:
- Reflections should demonstrate both personal and intellectual engagement as well as should have a strong evaluative component.
- For personal reflection, students should consider their choices, justifying their decisions and evaluating their effectiveness. They should also discuss skill development, challenges faced, and the advice sought from experts.
- For intellectual engagement students should assess whether their data and evidence support the hypothesis or thesis statement, evaluate the relevance of the collected data, consider alternative approaches (methods or sources) and suggest potential improvements.
IB Extended Essay Examples
The IB’s repository of Extended Essays (available for different subjects on its Extended Essay website) provides a valuable resource for students and supervisors alike. By analyzing both high-scoring and lower-scoring essays, students can gain insights into the expectations and standards of the assessment. Successful exemplars offer models of effective research methodologies, strong argumentation, and clear writing styles. In contrast, lower-scoring essays can highlight common pitfalls, such as weak thesis statements, insufficient evidence, or poor organization. By learning from both types of examples, students can improve their own work and produce high-quality Extended Essays that meet the rigorous requirements of the IB diploma programme. Hence, Extended Essay supervisors are encouraged to share Extended Essay exemplars (good and bad essays) with the students they are supervising.
Overcoming Common Challenges
“To get through the hardest journey, we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep on stepping.” Chinese Proverb.
Despite the fact that the Extended Essay may look like a mammoth task, that perspective definitely changes as students create a plan for the completion of the Extended Essay wherein the whole research is broken down into smaller chunks each with their own interim deadlines. Students can then enter these interim deadlines on their personal calendars (to generate reminders) and ensure that they work consistently and respect those interim deadlines. This approach ensures that students are not overwhelmed by having to write a whole Extended Essay within a few weeks, but rather they build their essay over a stretch of time (usually several months to one year). There will be time that progress in the research would be minimal due to various challenges, yet students will have to keep persevering and use all their problem-solving and creative thinking skills to find solutions or find ways to work around the road-blocks they are facing. To summarise, the key to completing the Extended Essay on time is to create a plan and to follow it to completion by practicing proper time management and by persevering.
Students would also benefit by keeping track of all the literature sources they are consulting for their Extended Essay and to continuously add their in-text citations and update their bibliography. Waiting for completion of the Extended Essay and then try recalling or searching for sources used to add in-text citation or update the bibliography is a practice that may lead to violation of academic integrity. Whenever in doubt about how to correctly reference a source, students should reach out to their school librarian or supervisor for help. Students are expected to have a clear understanding of what is considered as academic malpractice and to always give due credit to authors whose work are being referenced in their Extended Essays.
Conclusion: Embarking on Your IB Extended Essay Journey
The Extended Essay is less about the final product and more about the transformative learning journey students undertake. It offers a unique opportunity for students to delve deeply into a subject of their interest, fostering independent research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. This process encourages further exploration and research, ultimately leading to academic and personal growth, intellectual curiosity, problem-solving abilities, and a lifelong love of learning.
Gayethree Bojnauth
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High scoring IB English A (Lang & Lit) Extended Essay examples. See what past students did and make your English A (Lang & Lit) EE perfect by learning from examiner commented examples!
Authentic examples across a broad range of subjects are posted here; each example comes with the respective RPPF (reflection form), marks by component, and examiner’s commentaries. Note: Unlike the RSS database of assessed student EEs, which only contains papers that scored either an "A" or a high "B" Grade, the IB database includes papers ...
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High scoring IB English B Extended Essay examples. See what past students did and make your English B EE perfect by learning from examiner commented examples!
Jun 6, 2023 · Also available in the programma resource centre, the Diploma Programme Assessment Procedures has guidance on choosing a subject for the extended essay. The PRC is only available to existing IB World Schools. You can also purchase examples of essays in the IB Store. These essays fulfil the requirements for an ‘A’ grade in the extended essay.
Sep 13, 2024 · The IBO publishes two volumes of 50 Excellent Extended Essays, covering all Diploma Programme groups -- and all scored a top A grade. Click on the link below to access PDFs of the essays. 50 Excellent Extended Essays; All 50 essays are also available in electronic form in the QD Library on the iPads. Look for the display at the circulation desk.
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6 days ago · IB Extended Essay Examples. The IB’s repository of Extended Essays (available for different subjects on its Extended Essay website) provides a valuable resource for students and supervisors alike. By analyzing both high-scoring and lower-scoring essays, students can gain insights into the expectations and standards of the assessment.