1. (PDF) The contact hypothesis revisited: status bias in the reduction of

    bias contact hypothesis

  2. PPT

    bias contact hypothesis

  3. Figure 1 from The Contact Hypothesis Revisited

    bias contact hypothesis

  4. Interaction of Bias and Contact Predicting Treatment Willingness

    bias contact hypothesis

  5. Hypothesis Space And Inductive Bias

    bias contact hypothesis

  6. Social Science:Theories & Examples

    bias contact hypothesis


  1. Contact theory/hypothesis

  2. Hypothesis spaces, Inductive bias, Generalization, Bias variance trade-off in tamil -AL3451 #ML

  3. जाने मशीन लर्निंग के बेसिक टर्म्स inductive bias, hypothesis class, hypothesis and bias

  4. Bayesian linear regression, gradient descent linear regression in tamil (unit2)-AL3451 #ML

  5. Linear Regression Models: Least squares, single & multiple variables in unit2 tamil -AL3451 #ML

  6. Short Story: Contact hypothesis