1. science chemistry conductivity test

    science experiments using sodium chloride

  2. How to extract sodium chloride from its solution ("Salting out" experiment)

    science experiments using sodium chloride

  3. Electrolysis of sodium chloride solution

    science experiments using sodium chloride

  4. Electrolysis

    science experiments using sodium chloride

  5. NaCl Synthese / Sodium chloride synthesis (Microscale experiment)

    science experiments using sodium chloride

  6. Salt Water Experiment

    science experiments using sodium chloride


  1. Experiments with sodium chloride

  2. Sodium Alginate Halloween Eyeballs #HalloweenScience #Chemistry

  3. activity 1.13 of class 9th science(sublimation)

  4. Preparation of HCl gas in Science Lab#Class 10 Chemistry #acidbaseandsaltchapter2science 🪄

  5. Chlorine Water Experiments

  6. new science experiment with salt and water 💦 do at home very early